Cure for the Last Week

Its now currently the last week of my college career. I defend my thesis on Tuesday, have two exams that day as well, and I’m surprised by how little nostalgia I feel for leaving this place. I imagine that it will come with time, but I’m more worried about that inevitable loss that people feel when they leave college. It’s actually gotten me more stressed than anything currently happening in school.
I’ve made the horrible decision to watch “The Graduate” recently and its hit way too close to home. I too think about listlessness and stagnancy as the best way to go about post graduation. With little to no motivation to pursue much in my field of study, I’ve recently decided to become try to become an EMT, mostly because I feel like I can contribute and it’s better than finding myself stuck behind a desk (which is my worst nightmare.)
Right now I’ve been making my own music (which is not that great but still, it’s something) as well as purchasing a lot of it. I think that this is a fair attempt to do some final last minute irresponsible shopping before I’m poor broke/in debt and on my own.
On the light note, I bought this Wilco album the other day and it’s been playing in my car amidst a rotation of the stuff I’ve bought. This is my favorite song from that album so sit back relax and listen well.

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